Interface GanttConfigOptions




public api_date: string

sets the date format that will be used by the addTask() method to parse the start_date, end_date properties in case they are specified as strings

public autofit: boolean

enables automatic adjusting of the grid's columns to the grid's width

public buttons_left: any

stores a collection of buttons resided in the left bottom corner of the lightbox

public buttons_right: any

stores a collection of buttons resided in the right bottom corner of the lightbox

public columns: any

configures the columns of the table

public date_grid: string

sets the format of dates in the "Start time" column of the table

public date_scale: string

sets the format of the time scale (X-Axis)

public details_on_create: boolean

'says' to open the lightbox while creating new events by clicking on the '+' button

public details_on_dblclick: boolean

'says' to open the lightbox after double clicking on a task

public drag_lightbox: boolean

enables the possibility to drag the lightbox by the header

public drag_links: boolean

enables creating dependency links by drag-and-drop

public drag_mode: any

stores the types of available drag-and-drop modes

public drag_move: boolean

enables the possibility to move tasks by drag-and-drop

public drag_progress: boolean

enables the possibility to change the task progress by dragging the progress knob

public drag_resize: boolean

enables the possibility to resize tasks by drag-and-drop

public duration_step: number

sets the number of 'gantt.config.duration_unit' units that will correspond to one unit of the 'duration' data property.

public duration_unit: number

sets the duration unit in milliseconds

public end_date: Date

sets the end value of the time scale (X–Axis)

public fit_tasks: boolean

'says' the Gantt chart to re-render the scale each time a task doesn't fit into the existing scale interval

public grid_width: number

sets the maximum width of the grid

public initial_scroll: boolean

sets whether the timeline area will be initially scrolled to display the earliest task

public lightbox: any

specifies the lightbox object

public lightbox_additional_height: number

increases the height of the lightbox

public link_arrow_size: number

sets the size of the link arrow

public link_attribute: string

sets the name of the attribute that will specify the id of the link's HTML element

public link_line_width: number

sets the width of dependency links in the timeline area

public link_wrapper_width: number

sets the width of the area (over the link) sensitive to clicks

public links: any

stores the types of links dependencies

public min_column_width: number

sets the minimum width for a column

public min_duration: number

sets the minimum step (in milliseconds) for task's time values

public order_branch: boolean

activates the 'branch' mode that allows dragging tasks only within the parent branch

public quick_info_detached: boolean

defines whether the task form will appear from the left/right side of the screen or near the selected task

public quickinfo_buttons: any

stores a collection of buttons resided in the pop-up edit form

public readonly: boolean

activates the read-only mode for the Gantt chart

public round_dnd_dates: boolean

enables rounding the task's start and end dates to the nearest scale marks

public row_height: number

sets the default height for rows of the table

public scale_height: number

sets the height of the time scale and the header of the grid

public scale_unit: string

sets the unit of the time scale (X-Axis)

public select_task: boolean

enables selection of tasks in the Gantt chart

public server_utc: boolean

enables converting server-side dates from UTC to a local time zone (and backward) while sending data to the server

public show_progress: boolean

enables showing a progress/spinner while data is loading

public sort: boolean

enables sorting in the table

public start_date: Date

sets the start value of the time scale (X–Axis)

public start_on_monday: boolean

sets the start day of weeks

public step: number

sets the step of the time scale (X-Axis)

public subscales: any

specifies the second time scale(s)

public task_attribute: string

sets the name of the attribute that will specify the id of the task's HTML element

public task_date: string

sets the format of the date label in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox

public task_height: number

sets the height of task bars in the timeline area

public task_scroll_offset: number

sets the offset (in pixels) of the nearest task from the left border in the timeline

public time_picker: string

sets the format of the time drop-down selector in the lightbox

public time_step: number

sets the minimum step (in minutes) for the task's time values

public tooltip_timeout: number

sets the timeout in milliseconds before the tooltip is displayed for a task

public touch: any

enables/disables the touch support for the Gantt chart

public touch_drag: any

defines the time period in milliseconds that is used to differ the long touch gesture from the scroll gesture

public xml_date: string

sets the date format that is used to parse data from the data set