String representation of the crossroads version number (e.g. "0.6.0").
Signal dispatched every time that crossroads.parse can't find a Route that matches the request. Useful for debuging and error handling.
Sets global route matching behavior to greedy so crossroads will try to match every single route with the supplied request (if true it won't stop at first match).
Sets if the greedy routes feature is enabled. If false it won't try to match multiple routes (faster).
Sets if Router should care about previous state, so multiple crossroads.parse() calls passing same argument would not trigger the routed, matched and bypassed signals.
Sets a default function that should be used to normalize parameters before passing them to the Route.matched, works similarly to Route.rules.normalize_.
Signal dispatched every time that crossroads.parse find a Route that matches the request. Useful for debuging and for executing tasks that should happen at each routing.
Set if crossroads should typecast route paths. Default value is false (IMPORTANT: on v0.5.0 it was true by default).
Creates a new route pattern listener and add it to crossroads routes collection.
String pattern or Regular Expression that should be used to match against requests.
Function that should be executed when a request matches the Route pattern.
Route execution priority.
Create a new independent Router instance.
Get number of Routes contained on the crossroads collection.
Parse a string input and dispatch matched Signal of the first Route that matches the request.
String that should be evaluated and matched against Routes to define which Route handlers should be executed and which parameters should be passed to the handlers.
Pipe routers, so all crossroads.parse() calls will be forwarded to the other router as well.
Remove all routes from crossroads collection.
Remove a single route from crossroads collection.
Reference to the Route object returned by crossroads.addRoute().
Resets the Router internal state. Will clear reference to previously matched routes (so they won't dispatch switched signal when matching a new route) and reset last request.
"Ceci n'est pas une pipe"