Dynamic module couchbase






errors: { success: number; authContinue: number; authError: number; deltaBadVal: number; objectTooBig: number; serverBusy: number; cLibInternal: number; cLibInvalidArgument: number; cLibOutOfMemory: number; invalidRange: number; cLibGenericError: number; temporaryError: number; keyAlreadyExists: number; keyNotFound: number; failedToOpenLibrary: number; failedToFindSymbol: number; networkError: number; wrongServer: number; notMyVBucket: number; notStored: number; notSupported: number; unknownCommand: number; unknownHost: number; protocolError: number; timedOut: number; connectError: number; bucketNotFound: number; clientOutOfMemory: number; clientTemporaryError: number; badHandle: number; serverBug: number; invalidHostFormat: number; notEnoughNodes: number; duplicateItems: number; noMatchingServerForKey: number; badEnvironmentVariable: number; outOfMemory: number; invalidArguments: number; schedulingError: number; checkResults: number; genericError: number; durabilityFailed: number; restError: number; }

Enumeration of all error codes. See libcouchbase documentation for more details on what these errors represent.



public errors.authContinue: number

Authentication should continue.

public errors.authError: number

Error authenticating.

public errors.badEnvironmentVariable: number

A bad environment variable was specified.

public errors.badHandle: number

A bad handle was passed.

public errors.bucketNotFound: number

The bucket you request was not found.

public errors.cLibGenericError: number

An unknown error occured within libcouchbase.

public errors.cLibInternal: number

Internal libcouchbase error.

public errors.cLibInvalidArgument: number

An invalid arguement was passed.

public errors.cLibOutOfMemory: number

The server is out of memory.

public errors.checkResults: number

Not all operations completed successfully.

public errors.clientOutOfMemory: number

libcouchbase is out of memory.

public errors.clientTemporaryError: number

A temporary error occured in libcouchbase. Try again.

public errors.connectError: number

Error connecting to the server.

public errors.deltaBadVal: number

The passed incr/decr delta was invalid.

public errors.duplicateItems: number

Duplicate items.

public errors.durabilityFailed: number

The specified durability requirements could not be satisfied.

public errors.failedToFindSymbol: number

Failed to find expected symbol in library.

public errors.failedToOpenLibrary: number

Failed to open library.

public errors.genericError: number

A generic error occured in Couchnode.

public errors.invalidArguments: number

Invalid arguements were passed.

public errors.invalidHostFormat: number

The host format specified is invalid.

public errors.invalidRange: number

An invalid range was specified.

public errors.keyAlreadyExists: number

The key already exists on the server.

public errors.keyNotFound: number

The key does not exist on the server.

public errors.networkError: number

A network error occured.

public errors.noMatchingServerForKey: number

Key mapping failed and could not match a server.

public errors.notEnoughNodes: number

Not enough nodes to meet the operations durability requirements.

public errors.notMyVBucket: number

Operations were performed on the incorrect server.

public errors.notStored: number

The document was not stored.

public errors.notSupported: number

An unsupported operation was sent to the server.

public errors.objectTooBig: number

Object is too large to be stored on the cluster.

public errors.outOfMemory: number

Couchnode is out of memory.

public errors.protocolError: number

A protocol error occured.

public errors.restError: number

An error occured during a RESTful operation.

public errors.schedulingError: number

An error occured while trying to schedule the operation.

public errors.serverBug: number

A server bug caused the operation to fail.

public errors.serverBusy: number

Server is too busy to handle your request right now.

public errors.success: number

Operation was successful

public errors.temporaryError: number

A temporary error occured. Try again.

public errors.timedOut: number

The operation timed out.

public errors.unknownCommand: number

An unknown command was sent to the server.

public errors.unknownHost: number

An unknown host was specified.

public errors.wrongServer: number

Operations were performed on the incorrect server.

format: { raw: number; json: number; utf8: number; auto: number; }

Enumeration of all value encoding formats.



public format.auto: number

Automatically determine best storage format.

public format.json: number

Store as JSON encoded string.

public format.raw: number

Store as raw bytes.

public format.utf8: number

Store as UTF-8 encoded string.