Interface DirectoryReader

This interface lets a user list files and directories in a directory. If there are no additions to or deletions from a directory between the first and last call to readEntries, and no errors occur, then: A series of calls to readEntries must return each entry in the directory exactly once. Once all entries have been returned, the next call to readEntries must produce an empty array. If not all entries have been returned, the array produced by readEntries must not be empty. The entries produced by readEntries must not include the directory itself ["."] or its parent [".."].




public readEntries(successCallback: (entries: Entry[]) => void, errorCallback?: (error: Error) => void)

Read the next block of entries from this directory.


  • successCallback: (entries: Entry[]) => void

    Called once per successful call to readEntries to deliver the next previously-unreported set of Entries in the associated Directory. If all Entries have already been returned from previous invocations of readEntries, successCallback must be called with a zero-length array as an argument.

  • errorCallback?: (error: Error) => void optional

    A callback indicating that there was an error reading from the Directory.