This plugin provides access to the device's audio, image, and video capture capabilities.
The audio recording formats supported by the device.
The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device.
The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device.
Start the audio recorder application and return information about captured audio clip files.
Executes when the capture operation finishes with an array of MediaFile objects describing each captured audio clip file.
Executes, if the user terminates the operation before an audio clip is captured, with a CaptureError object, featuring the CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES error code.
Encapsulates audio capture configuration options.
Start the camera application and return information about captured image files.
Executes when the capture operation finishes with an array of MediaFile objects describing each captured image clip file.
Executes, if the user terminates the operation before an audio clip is captured, with a CaptureError object, featuring the CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES error code.
Encapsulates audio capture configuration options.
Start the video recorder application and return information about captured video clip files.
Executes when the capture operation finishes with an array of MediaFile objects describing each captured video clip file.
Executes, if the user terminates the operation before an audio clip is captured, with a CaptureError object, featuring the CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES error code.
Encapsulates audio capture configuration options.