Represents the eventual value of a completed operation. Each promise may be in one of three states: pending, resolved, or rejected. Each promise starts in the pending state and may make a single transition to either a fulfilled or failed state.
This class is based on the Promise/A proposal from CommonJS. Additional functions are provided for API compatibility with Dojo Deferred objects.
Registers a function to be invoked when this promise is either rejected or resolved. This function is provided for backwards compatibility with the Dojo Deferred API.
The function to call when this promise is either resolved or rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the resolved value or rejection error.
The object which |this| should refer to when the function is invoked.
A new promise which will be resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
Registers a function to be invoked when this promise is successfully resolved. This function is provided for backwards compatibility with the Dojo Deferred API.
The function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
The object which |this| should refer to when the function is invoked.
A new promise which will be resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
An alias for {@code webdriver.promise.Promise.prototype.then} that permits the scope of the invoked function to be specified. This function is provided for backwards compatibility with the Dojo Deferred API.
The function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
The function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the rejection reason.
The object which |this| should refer to when the function is invoked.
A new promise which will be resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
Registers a function to be invoked when this promise is rejected. This function is provided for backwards compatibility with the Dojo Deferred API.
The function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the rejection reason.
The object which |this| should refer to when the function is invoked.
A new promise which will be resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
Cancels the computation of this promise's value, rejecting the promise in the process.
The reason this promise is being cancelled. If not an {@code Error}, one will be created using the value's string representation.
Whether this promise's value is still being computed.
Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved. This function most overridden by subtypes.
The function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
The function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the rejection reason.
A new promise which will be resolved with the result of the invoked callback.