The labels used for dialog buttons
Create an alert dialog box
The message passed from the callee
Callback function
Class(es) to append to dialog box
alertify (ie this)
Create a confirm dialog box
The message passed from the callee
Callback function
Class(es) to append to dialog box
alertify (ie this)
Attaches alertify.error to window.onerror method
Shorthand for log messages
The message passed from the callee
alertify (ie this)
Extend the log method to create custom methods
Custom method name
(message: string, wait?: number) => alertify.IAlertifyStatic
function for logging
Initialize Alertify and create the 2 main elements. Initialization will happen automatically on the first use of alert, confirm, prompt or log.
Show a new log message box
The message passed from the callee
Optional type of log message
Optional time (in ms) to wait before auto-hiding
alertify (ie this)
Create a prompt dialog box
The message passed from the callee
Callback function
Default value for prompt input
Class(es) to append to dialog
alertify (ie this)
Used to set alertify properties
Shorthand for log messages
The message passed from the callee
alertify (ie this)
Labels for altertify.set function
Properties for alertify.set function
Default button for focus
Should buttons be displayed in reverse order
Default value for milliseconds display of log messages
Default values for display of labels